Beauty by Sweet Pea

Beauty by Sweet Pea
Sweet Pea

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Girl on Top

“You are not a statistic. You are not one of the masses. You are a Girl on Top.” - Nicole Williams

A few months ago, I had the divine opportunity to see Nicole Williams speak at an event at The Limited in Chicago. Fashion in the workplace was the topic, as well as a kick-ass session on women getting ahead in the corporate world. I was so impressed that I couldn’t wait to begin reading Girl on Top, Your Guide to Turning Dating Rules into Career Success. As I come to a close on this motivational read, I feel as if she was speaking directly to me with each and every turn of a page.

Dolls, you know my career goal is to be a professional beauty writer. My niche is organic beauty, but my passion is helping women discover environmentally-friendly products that enhance one’s true beauty. Writing is my passion. Beauty is my love. Put the two together, and this is the career of my dreams.

Currently, I am, give or take, a corporate bitch. Oh, I am very good at it, and I have gained the respect that I deserve, but I am not happy when I look at my office. I see what I have become, and although it may sound selfish, I want more. I have an entrepreneur’s spirit that burns inside of me, and I express myself best through my words in print. Sure my career now pays the bills, and as my momma has questioned me before, “Why would you want to leave a good career for the unknown?” Well, it’s because I am a risk taker, and like I said earlier, it’s because I want more.

Girl on Top reassured me that I am on the right path as I take control of my career. I am a Chi-town girl in her late 20’s with my career as my driving force. I have followed the rules up until now. Yes, I went to college and earned my Bachelor’s and my Master’s, I bought my first house all on my own, I bought my first new car, and I have learned the streets and neighborhoods of Chicago like the back of my pretty, eco-friendly manicured hand. But the time has come to fulfill my writing dream. I have so much to say, and I want women just like you to get the chance to hear me. I think it will change the way you shop for beauty and the way you look at your naturally, beautiful self. It will encourage you, challenge you, and although you may not always agree with what I have to say, you are at least reading. What more could a writer ask for?

Girl on Top has given me a new outlook on a lot of things. First of all, my business wardrobe. Not realizing I was already breaking two of the fashion no-no rules (all one color i.e. black, and wearing gym shoes or sandals with my suit when I walk in the Loop), I have fashionably made changes where changes were due. Also, Williams reassured me that it’s ok not to want to settle down and have a family just because everyone else is. Prince Charming and I are happy just the way we are, and since we are in no rush to change things (like get married and have little bambinos) careers and each other can continue to be the main focus in our lives. It works for us, and frankly, that’s all that should matter.

Finally, when all of my freelance writing pays off and one day when some big publication takes me onboard to be their beauty columnist, Girl on Top gave me something to think about when it comes to quitting the current career I am in. You know, how to break it to boss-who-thinks-they-are-more-important-than-life and how to do it professionally and in style. The last thing I want to do is burn any bridges, but I want to make sure they remember what they lost. Williams puts career success in perspective, and for me, it continues to reassure me that this path I am on is exactly where I need to be to get to the position of being the Girl on Top.

P.S. I, too, look forward to celebrating my writing success with a fell-in-love-at-first-sight Birkin. Williams will tell you, it’s the accessory of all accessories that defines a girl of success!  Sweet dreams!

xox - Sweet Pea

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